Sunday, August 31, 2008

Alabama Football!

As we all know college football started this weekend. In support of Alabama, Ford wore his jersey. He looked so cute! Thanks Aunt Erin for letting us borrow it! I can't wait to go tailgating with next week. I am sure it will be so much fun! Roll Tide!! We will have to work with Ford on saying Roll Tide before next season!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ford's racing clothes!

Kyle was home sick today with a sinus infection, so I decided to put some racing clothes on Ford. That way Kyle could enjoy them. The first one is the one I used to tell Kyle I was pregnant. The second outfit was given to us. If you notice the front has a Ford logo and at the top it has an arrow pointing to his mouth saying intake and the back says exhaust. Kyle and his Dad find it very funny! Ford has no ideas what lies ahead for him in racing! I am sure he will love having countless "man hours" with his Dad and Pops working on the cars and racing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Visit to Tuscaloosa

We took a trip to Tuscaloosa this weekend to see the family. Kyle was supposed to be racing that is why Ford and I were going, but his race got cancelled. We had made plans for my Mom to come see Ford so we all just went. Here are a few pictures from our trip. Kathryn is a great little entertainer. She played with him on his mat and played peek-a-boo. The kids also had fun playing in the rain. Ford enjoyed watching and sucking on his fingers. I also included a picture of Kyle loading the car with a pretty pink umbrella!!

I don't have any pictures of this, but Ford rolled over for the first time on Sunday. He rolled from his back to his tummy. He is growing so fast!!! Learning new things everyday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Learning new things

Ford is now learning to hold and bring rattles to his face. I liked this picture the most because he is leaned back with his hand behind his head all relaxed! Ford has been trying to sit up when we have him laying on his back so I decided to put a boppy behind him to see if he could sit up and he did. He can only do it for a a little bit and then he is tired but he is building those tummy muscles!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Visit from my Aunt Lindsay, cousin Lauren and Pops

We had a visit from Lindsay, lauren and Pops yesterday. Here are a few pictures we took.

Ford kept me up most of the night last night, so he is still sleeping. I can't go back to sleep so I thought I would upload the pictures of him. I added a couple of his first beach trip. He took a nap when we got there and then he got to put his feet in the sand. He was not to sure about that. I also included one of him pushing up on his arms. We have just started putting him in the sleepers with feet so we took a picture of that. The last photo was taken on August 10th. It was his 3 month birthday!! Such a big boy!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Welcome to our family blog!

Kyle and I have had several people ask us for updates on Ford, so we decided to create a place where frliends and family can go to see what our little Ford is doing. I hope to be able to post often, but Ford will determine that.

Kyle and I feel so blessed. The Lord has given Kyle and I so many gifts. We are blessed with a wonderful home, great friends and family and all the things needed to live. We are most thankful for the latest gift he has given us... our beautiful Ford! Ohh how our lives have changed since he has come into this world. He has taught Kyle and I soo much. I knew Kyle would be a great Dad since we were in college and watching him with our nephew Jackson. He was the first baby Kyle had been around. Kyle took to Jackson and Jackson to him. They still have a special relationship. Kyle has been great with all of our 5 neices and nephews. He has had some practice before Ford, but nothing truely prepares you for your own son.

I have seen a new love in Kyle. A love for his son. It is amazing to know that my love for Kyle can continue to grow stronger. When I see him with Ford and Ford looks at him and gives a smile and laughs I can't help but smile. Everyone says how a child changes your life, but you really don't understand until it happens to you. You never think it is possible to love something or someone so much!! It is truly God's grace to allow us experience this. Again, I say how blessed we are!

I will put pictures up of Ford's latest accomplishment....pushing up on his arms...sometime this week! He looks so big doing it. As you will see in some of the pictures I will post he has not lost any hair, in fact his hair is growing longer! I don't think I am going to be able to wait until he is a year to cut it. He is becoming more aware of his surroundings. I think he may be showing signs of missing Mom. In this past week we have have two times when people have come over and hold him and him getting upset when they get him. He is getting better with his crying. I think him getting on a good sleeping and eating schedule has helped along with his new medicine for reflux. He is now loving laying on his back and looking around. He really loves it when I stay and talk to him. He also at the moment enjoying his jumparoo. If all else fails he loves going outside. I guess he gets that from me. I lived outside when I was younger. I still would much rather be outside than inside. Well I guess that is all for updates right now. I will post again soon.