Saturday, June 26, 2010

Playing Catch up!

It has been several weeks since my last post. We have been pretty busy. We have been to the beach, the zoo and several other places. I will post a few pictures. Ford of course loved the beach again this year. He also like jumping into the pool and letting Kyle catch him. I am glad we got our trip in before the oil arrived. We go again in July maybe it won't be bad. Ford has also loved going to the zoo. It is getting to hot here to go any later than opening to lunch. Ford loves the animals. He will go up to any animal they allow him to. He has not been scared of any yet. I can't wait to take him to the Montgomery zoo. My mom said it is great. I have not been in years. We also made a trip down to Selma for father's day. Ford had spent the night with is Aunt Amanda, so we met him there. He was having so much fun. Nana and Papa have a huge yard in a very small neighborhood, so he cal run all over the place. He also go to play with his cousins. Caiden rode him on the gator. He loved it. His Papa usually rides him on the golf cart also. We are very blessed that Ford loves going and spending time with his Aunt Amanda and Nana. I never have to worrry about him there. He never cries leaving me when he is with them either. Actually he usually cries when his Aunt Amanda leaves him. He would rather go with her than go with me. I am not kidding he is in tears everytime she leaves.
Well as far as baby girl Goodwin she is doing great. I will be 25 weeks on Monday! That is crazy to me. It is flying by now. We have painted the room and have started to decorate. I will post pictures of that later.  I don't have any at the moment. The walls are lavender and green. The bedding is pink, lavender and green. It makes me feel a little better knowing the room is coming together. As far as a name......I am having a hard time. We have two sets of names and I go back and forth between them. On day it is Caroline Elizabeth and the next it is Hannah Kate. I just can't make up my mind. I wish I could just pick and move on. (Kyle does too :) ) I have been horrible at making decisions with this pregnancy. Maybe that will change soon! Well I guess that is everything up to date.  :)