Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ford's First Haircut!!

Today I took Ford to get his First haircut. I called a friend to get a name of a place that cut kids hair. She told me of a place she and some of our mutual friends took their kids. So, I looked up the place on the internet and called and made an appointment. Little did I know there are two places with the same name. So you know where this story is going. I went to the wrong one! I did not know I had made the appointment to the wrong place until I got there. It all went fine and the girl that did his hair was really nice. I will just look closer next time to make sure of multiple listings under the same name! Ford did great. He just kept trying to look at the girl to see what she was doing. We are glad to say his mullet is gone. He now looks like a little boy. We are so happy he enjoyed the experience. Next time Mommy will know where to go! :) We will put this one under lessons learned.

Ford and his walker

I decided to get Ford's walker out to see if he could use it. When I put him in it he loved it. I was not sure because it makes him lean forward a good bit but he did good holding his body back. I gave him a little push to let him know it moved. He was excited and caught on quickly. When he noticed he was getting closer he started to smile so big. He was soo proud of himself as I was of him also. My little boy is getting so big!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumkin Carving continued

Here are a few more pictures from today. These are the finished product. Again we had so much fun. I am glad we took time to do this. Now our house looks like halloween!

Carving Pumkins!

We carved pumkins for the first time as a family! We all had lots of fun. Ford had fun watching Daddy get dirty cleaning them out. He also enjoyed touching the pumkins when he got close enought to one. He is learning to smile for the camera. Which makes me very happy. He usually has a serious look all the time in photos.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More pitures from Alabama tailgating.

Here are a few more pictures form this weekend. As you can see Ford was having fun. The last picture is of Steve and Jackson it was their birthday. Yes father and son with same birthday! We had lots of fun this weekend!

Alabama game

Here are a few pictures from this weekend. The first one is of my sister, Ford and my nephew Andrew. The second on is of me and my neice Kathryn. The next one is of my Dad playing the the kids. The next is of me and my sister.The last one is Skipper (Kyle's dad) and Ford.

Daddy Time

Kyle and Ford like to have their Daddy and son time. They will watch a few sports or just talk to each other. It is so sweet, Ford reaches up to feel and play with Kyle's face. Oh the little things that will melt a Mom's heart!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A visit from our Friends.

Ford and I had a wonderful visit from some of our Friends. Mandy and Coleman came to play. Ford was up for part of the visit but then had to take a nap. We managed to get a few pictures in. I was so impressed that Ford warmed right up to Mandy. He let her hold him for a picture. Coleman was so sweet with Ford. You can see in one picture Coleman was touching Ford because Mandy was showing him that Ford skin was soft. Ford is looking like.. what are you doing? I thought it was cute. Thanks again for comeing to see us. We can't wait to do it again.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Alabama vs Kentucky game.

Ford and I had the day to ourself. Kyle went to the game with my Uncle and his friends. Ford and I had fun watching the game and then going for a walk afterwards! Roll Tidw Roll!!

Ford's Holloween outfit!

It was pretty chilly the other day and I realized I didn't have any long sleeved onsies except Halloween stuff. So Ford got to wear his pumkin outfit a little soon! He looked so cute even though orange is not his color.
Ford has just started this face where he bites his bottom lip!
This is the back of his pants! Ford also likes to talk on the phone to his Daddy, Nana and his Aunt Amanda.

He has gotten pretty good at holding it.