Monday, October 11, 2010

Caroline is here!!!

Sorry, so long since an update. I have been trying to update pictures on facebook but having issues, so I gave up.

Here she is my sweet baby girl Caroline!!

Caroline Elizabeth Goodwin was born on October 4, 2010 at 4:52 pm. She was 6 pounds 6 ounces and 20 inches long. She has hair but not as much as Ford. Why is it the boys get the long eye lashes and thick head full of hair. I am not complaining she has enough for bows and she is a healthy baby. We are truly blessed. I can't believe she is a week old!! She is so far a much better sleeper than Ford and she takes a bottle. I don't want to be to excited so soon because she can change. I don't want to jinks it.  Caroline looks so much like Ford when he was a baby. She has his nose. I know her looks will probably change. She has already changed so much in a week. Here are a few pictures of her at the hospital and since we have been home. They uploaded in reverse order :)

Ford giving his sister a kiss :)

Game day Roll Tide!

After first bath at home

Ford likes all of Carolines toys

Caroline in the sweet gown my mom made.

First family photo

The girls minus Erin

Proud daddy!

Still so swollen

Caroline getting weighed

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Playing Catch up!

It has been several weeks since my last post. We have been pretty busy. We have been to the beach, the zoo and several other places. I will post a few pictures. Ford of course loved the beach again this year. He also like jumping into the pool and letting Kyle catch him. I am glad we got our trip in before the oil arrived. We go again in July maybe it won't be bad. Ford has also loved going to the zoo. It is getting to hot here to go any later than opening to lunch. Ford loves the animals. He will go up to any animal they allow him to. He has not been scared of any yet. I can't wait to take him to the Montgomery zoo. My mom said it is great. I have not been in years. We also made a trip down to Selma for father's day. Ford had spent the night with is Aunt Amanda, so we met him there. He was having so much fun. Nana and Papa have a huge yard in a very small neighborhood, so he cal run all over the place. He also go to play with his cousins. Caiden rode him on the gator. He loved it. His Papa usually rides him on the golf cart also. We are very blessed that Ford loves going and spending time with his Aunt Amanda and Nana. I never have to worrry about him there. He never cries leaving me when he is with them either. Actually he usually cries when his Aunt Amanda leaves him. He would rather go with her than go with me. I am not kidding he is in tears everytime she leaves.
Well as far as baby girl Goodwin she is doing great. I will be 25 weeks on Monday! That is crazy to me. It is flying by now. We have painted the room and have started to decorate. I will post pictures of that later.  I don't have any at the moment. The walls are lavender and green. The bedding is pink, lavender and green. It makes me feel a little better knowing the room is coming together. As far as a name......I am having a hard time. We have two sets of names and I go back and forth between them. On day it is Caroline Elizabeth and the next it is Hannah Kate. I just can't make up my mind. I wish I could just pick and move on. (Kyle does too :) ) I have been horrible at making decisions with this pregnancy. Maybe that will change soon! Well I guess that is everything up to date.  :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's a GIRL!

I had my 18 week appointment today and we got to find out the sex of the baby. It's a Girl!! We are so excited. I have already bought her a bow and a paci holder clip. It is going to be different looking for little girl stuff, but  how wonderful. We could not be more blessed. We already have a perfect little boy now we will have a girl. I get to learn how to make girl clothes now. Oh the fun for applique's. We just have to find a name now. That should be intresting!
The doctor also said the baby was very healthy. Perfect size and all the organs looked great. We saw all 4 chambers of the heart and the stomac. It was full, so that means she is swallowing good! What a blessing a healthy baby!!!
(Above)This is her foot! (below) body profile

(below) It's a GIRL!

(Below) She has her knees up to her nose.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ford is going to be a BIG Brother!!

Kyle and I are so excited to announce that Ford is going to be a big brother! I am 12 weeks pregnant. The bast 8 weeks have been rough. I have been sick with this pregnacy also. With Ford it was a little more mild but for a longer time. This pregnancy was very bad week 5-8, and then I started to have a few hours of where I was feeling okay. I was really on the couch for 3 weeks. Week 9-12 have been better.I am not back to full steam but getting there. I go to the doctor Wednesday to have another ultrasound to determine the due date. As of now it is from October 11th to October 15. We are excited. Here are a few pictures of when I told Kyle and my family.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Sorry it has been so long. I will try to be better. Hope you enjoy.

Random Pics

Here are the last fwe pictures to get us caught up to now. These are just random days. One we went for a walk by our house, and the other is Ford's first trip bowling. AS you see in the first picture Coleman gets to go on walks with us now that Blue passed away. 

National Champs!!!

Kyle got to go the National Championship game this year. He said it was a blast. Here are a few pictures from his trip. He took over 100 pictures, but these are the main ones.


Saddly these are the only pictures I have of this past Chrismas. Some how the memory on my camera was erased. So I lost all of his Christmas pics and his Santa pictures. There were several good ones. I will have to get some from family members. I will be better next year.


Here are pictures of Ford carving pumpkins. He did really well. He likes the slimmy stuff. I also added a picture of him trick or treating at The University with his cousins. The last picture is of Halloween night. Kim, Jason and Abby came over. Ford and Abby were so cute.

The Pumpkin Patch

Here are a few pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch. He loved it. He loves anything that he gets to be outside. I love the picture with him sitting on the pumpkin. He loved the small ones.
Here are a few pictures from this past year's football season. Ford likes to be right in the middle of everything. He tried to help set up the TV, cook and play with the ice in the ice chest. He loves his Papa. He knew where the food was. Papa always has grapes or chips. I love his littte jersey. We will have to get a new one next year.  Can't wait for it to start up again.