Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tag we're it!

Brooke tagged me yesterday so now I am keepiong it going.

This is a picture of Kyle and Kathryn looking at Ford right before we left the hospital. Wow this feels like so long ago. Oh, how our lives have changed. We are so blessed, Ford is now a happy 7 month old.

The object of the picture tag is to:

1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer

2) Select the 4th picture in the folder

3) Explain the picture

4) Tag 4 people to do the same

I tag Ashley B, Mandy, Kay and Leigh

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ford had a big Christmas!

Ford had a big First Christmas. We went to Selma for several days. While we were there we went to Pratville to see Santa. Ford did great. We then had Christmas Eve in Selma. We finally got a good family photo! After Santa came we drove back to Birmingham to Pops house to do Christmas with Kyle's family. As you can see in the last photo Ford likes to open his gifts. He started to open his gifts before we were even ready. He received so many nice things from everyone. We would like to thank everyong for his gifts. We are enjoying playing with them all.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fords first tooth!

After Church on Sunday I took some pictures of Ford in his christmas clothes. He is so precious!

Ford is now 7 months and 5 days and he has his first tooth. This morning, I was trying out a new sippy cup and in order to get him to suck on it I was putting my finger in his mouth. He bit down on my finger as he does to sippy cups and I felt the tooth. Here is a piture of him after I made a big deal about it. He was so proud!

Christmas card photos

Here are a few shots I liked when we were taking pictures for the Christmas card. I think I took almost 60 pictures. The last one is the one we used. I just loved the unposed ones and thought I would share.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas.

We started to decorate for Christmas this week. Ford loves the lights. He was holding a set for us. Ford also went with Kyle and I to pick out our tree. He was so cute in his roudolph outfit. We had to put him in a blanket because it was cold. Once we got home he sat in front of the tree for a quick pose for Mommy. He is sooo cute! Christmas shall be fun.

Ford is now sitting the bath tub!

Ford is still growing so fast. His new thing over the holidays is that he is now sitting up in the bath. He was being hard to deal with in his tub on the sling that we used, so I decided to sit him up and he did so great. We are so proud of him!

My new hobby!

Here are a few outfits I made while I was in Selma for Thanksgiving. My Mom is a great teacher. I made all of the pants and a few of the shirts. I am saving up money to purchase my own machine. It is so much fun and addictive.