Monday, October 17, 2011

Wow! Has it been a year since my last post???

I am really bad about keeping up this blog!

Well I guess the best place to start is with Caroline turning ONE! I cannot believe how fast this past year has gone. Caroline is now 19 pounds 7 ounces, 29 and 3/4" long. Her weight was around 50 percentile and her height was 73rd percentile. She is growing so fast. She has no interest in walking. I think she is scared. She will catch herself standing on her own and will sit and start crying. She can walk holding one hand, but as soon as you let go she sits down. One day she will take off, but until then we will enjoy her crawling. (I have to say I am ready for her to walk so she can wear her dresses without crawling on them.) Caroline and Ford have two totally different personalities. Caroline has never wanted me to rock her to sleep. She gets herself to sleep. Ford has just started putting himself to sleep without us in the room. Caroline is very loud and talks all the time. Ford has always been quiet and hardly ever talked. Now it is another story. He is good at competing with Caroline at making noise. Caroline is very expressive. She gets her point across and holds her own with Ford. She gets him back if he messes with her. Ford in the beginning was not fond of her. He would not talk to her or acknowledge her. He would if it was his idea hold and kiss her every once in a while. He now loves her. He hugs her, kisses her and talks to her. Don't get me wrong the brother sister rivalry is still there. She loves to aggravate him.

Ford has had a good year. We have been doing a lot with him. He is now at Trace Crossings in their Pre-K program for Speech. He loves it and is expanding his vocabulary every week. His speech is doing so much better. He has developed such a cute personality. He now has no issue going to school or church and me leaving him. (which this time last year was not so good) He is still a very picky eater, but after going to nutritionist and doing a lot of other things trying t get him to eat, I have given up. He will have to change is diet at some point. I have done all I can now I am just waiting for him to get tired of chicken and fries. His health is good. He is growing like he is supposed to.

I am getting excited about the holiday’s season starting. Halloween is just around the corner. Caroline is going to be a Dalmatian and Ford a fire fighter. The Hoover Fire Department came to his school and he loved it. I will try to post more often. Next post will be pumpkin patch and Halloween.