Wednesday, November 12, 2008

6 Months!!!

On Monday, we went to Ford's 6 Month check up. It went well. He is 17 pounds and 2.5 ounces. He is now 26 inches long. He is growing on target. His weight is average and his height is around 40th percentile. Kyle was off on Monday so he got to go with me. I was glad because I hate it when Ford gets shots. This trip he had 5 and a prick on the heel. Poor thing, but he did good. I wish there was a way to reward him. All I could do is hug and kiss him. We are thankful for the good check up!

High chair time

On Thursday I put Ford in his high chair to see if he would sit up good enough to eat and he did. I was so excited, because he was getting to big to feed in my lap. We started first letting him play with toys and a bowl. He liked it so then I fed him. It got a little messy, but it worked. He is growing up so fast. Everyday he is doing new things.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ford's First Halloween!

We had a great Halloween. We started off playing inside with Daddy. We then took it outside and played on the sidewalk in his walker until Pops got here . He loved it and was going so fast! We then got him into his puppy dog outfit. He was not to sure about that, but we got a few pictures in while he was happy. Ford was not to happy when all the kids started to come up to trick or treat. They scared him. So, we put him down and sat on the front porch to hand out candy. It was lots of fun!