Monday, March 29, 2010

Ford is going to be a BIG Brother!!

Kyle and I are so excited to announce that Ford is going to be a big brother! I am 12 weeks pregnant. The bast 8 weeks have been rough. I have been sick with this pregnacy also. With Ford it was a little more mild but for a longer time. This pregnancy was very bad week 5-8, and then I started to have a few hours of where I was feeling okay. I was really on the couch for 3 weeks. Week 9-12 have been better.I am not back to full steam but getting there. I go to the doctor Wednesday to have another ultrasound to determine the due date. As of now it is from October 11th to October 15. We are excited. Here are a few pictures of when I told Kyle and my family.


Sally said...

Love the pics! Congrats!

The McDougald Family said...

What big smiles! Congratulations!